Ball-ball mania

Mom and Dad have been acting a bit weird lately.
They will be sitting in front of the tele at funny hours (when they should be working) and get all excited about some guy chasing after a ball. At times they will just jump up and yell, scaring the hell out of me. I just don't understand what the craze was about when those humans couldn't even fetch a ball back properly. This morning was the worst because both Mom and Dad were really nervous and they went crazy when some guy in a blue shirt lost his grip on the ball and chased it right into a net. They jumped up screaming and hugging each other, almost crushing me in between. I just couldn't figure out what the fuss is about!
Now I am overhearing something about Auntie Gabrielle sleeping over this Saturday night for the "Finals" and "BBQ" on Sunday. Finals? BBQ? Things are getting weirder and weirder around here.
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