"The Island"

It was only a short drive after getting off the ferry, and we arrived at a seaside. I can smell the ocean again and I was really eager to get off to check out our vacation home...
I thought we were staying at some over-water bungalow, but... all we got was a small cedar log cottage. I hurried in to check out the place, and...

I was a bit disappointed but I thought, oh well, it's the adventure that truely counts, so I took it easy and enjoyed my stroll along the seawalk with Mom and Dad. By the time we finished dinner, I was quite exhausted (mostly from the excitement) and we all went to bed early. Then, just as I was enjoying myself in my dream vacation resort, I was waken by Mom who tried to feed me lunch. It was only 6:30 am in the morning! All I wanted to do was go back to sleep and continue my dream! And as if that's not enough, I was then dragged to this huge barn that was filled with a bunch of people and their dogs. What the --??
It was only then that I realized what Mom meant by vacation was actually "doggie boot camp".
Mom actually signed me and herself up for a training seminar in Vancouer Island and I was one of the working dogs!
To make things short, I had no choice but to participate that day and was very tired when we got back to the cottage. I had a nice long stroll along the seawalk again and that was basically the best part of my day. I can hardly wait till I finished dinner and hurried back to dream of my luxurious resort vacation again...