Tinsel the Tibetan Terrier

Friday, November 17, 2006

Ewok vs. Chewbacca

It's almost 3 weeks since we brought Kimba home and we are so happy to see that Tinsel has already accepted Kimba as part of our pack. She is so tolerant with him, and his hair tugging, that at times we wonder if we have chosen the wrong puppy and that if Tinsel will be bullied by the kid when he gets bigger!

When we first took Kimba home, we were unsure how Tinsel will react and decided to keep him at Gabrielle's place for a week while we bring the two out on daily walks to play and socialize on neutral grounds. We will bring him up to our place for short visits afterwards, extending his stay from minutes to hours to eventually moving him up to our home entirely. Knowing how territorial Tinsel had been, we had thought that it would take much longer for her to even "tolerate" having Kimba at our place, but she took it really well and everything worked out a lot faster than we expected. The transition couldn't have gone so smooth if not for Gabrille who lives in the same building and who is so kind to take Kimba in for the full first week. (Well, maybe we should add, "and kinder still to let us take him back afterwards..." because she has already fallen in love with the little guy after the first two days!) Therefore, in essence, Kimba has only moved in with us for a mere 2 weeks and Tinsel has already acknowledged him as part of the family, so we can't be happier. Imagine seeing a 26 pounds Tinsel bending down to let her midget brother grab the other end of a tug toy and then standing still for him to tug with all his might. It only took her a day or two to figure out that Kimba is too small to play with her if she tugs back, so she simply stood still for him to tug at his end. And when his hair pulling got on her nerves, she will only walk away or give him a gentle growl instead of reacting full fledge and nip or bite him back. It really touches our heart to see Tinsel growing into such a sweet and gentle gal.

Another thing that we can never envision is seeing Tinsel and Kimba waiting together by our feet while dinner is being prepared. Tinsel has been so food protective that no one could get too close without getting nipped at the heels in a similar situation, but Kimba is allowed to wait (and even jump) right at our feet. Not only that it showed Tinsel has fully accepted Kimba, it also tells us that a full two years of hard work is paying off and Tinsel is really weaning out of her old habits. We are so proud of her!

Kimba, on the other hand, is growing in leaps and bounds, making his first flight up the stairs to the bedroom one day, and jumping down from the couch the other. He is growing at such a rate that it's just a matter of days before he can jump up and down the couch all by himself. At 12 weeks, he has already learned no, fetch, sit, stay, up, and even knows what to do when we say "training time" or "grooming time" etc... He is extremely smart and a bagful of joy, but he's also extremely mischievious, and sometimes it's hard just to keep up with him. For example, he's already got his tempers and will tear up his wee pads in protest at times. Auntie G. named him Kimba the Destroyer which sort of fits him, well, at least, for the time being. Likewise, Tinsel had been named Tinsel the Terrorist when she first came to us, but now she has completely grown out of that title, so we are keeping our fingers crossed and look forward to lifing the title for Kimba sometime in the near future!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Kimba Kimba

Hi folks,

Please meet our new family member, Kimba.

Kimba is a 12 weeks old Silky Terrier boy and he's been home with us for almost 2 weeks now. We introduced him to Tinsel very gradually and by now they're getting along quite well. We're quite sure that Tinsel will grow to love him dearly, but right now it seems that they still need a bit more time to get to know each other so playtime is always supervised. It's a lot of fun to see the two of them together, but it's also a huge load of work caring for them and it's literally non-stop cleaning and wiping after the little guy!

Kimba is named after one of our favorite manga character, Kimba the White Lion by Osamu Tezuka (手塚 治虫) and so far he is proving himself to be one brave and bold little guy. Despite their size differences, he will never hesitate to play with Tinsel and knows when to dodge when things get a little too rough.

Gimme gimme!

You talking to me? Can't you see I'm busy?

As you can see, he's such a cutie that even when he sleeps he just looks like one cute handsome dude!

More Later,

Ann :)