Tinsel the Tibetan Terrier

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Sorry that it's been a while....

Hi everyone!

It's been a long while since I've last updated my blog, and I'm really really sorry for that! You see, life's so-oooo busy nowadays that I hardly find enough time to rest, not to mention blogging!

Well, long story short, things have been going alright in the last couple of months and we are now one big happy family. Kimba and I are getting along fairly well most of the time and both Mom and Dad are very pleased. I am no longer going on weekly hikes with the group, but every two or three weeks I still get to hike with Dr. Susan's dog, Bug, who is my newest best friend. I'll post some photos taken during our hikes next time!

In addition, I am also attending Dr. Stanley Coren's Obedience classes with Kimba, Mom and Dad every Thursday night. Mom calls it "training party" and I feel the same too coz it's a lot of fun. It's different from the hikes but I still get to see and meet other 2 and 4-legged friends, so I am just as happy. :)

As for Kimba, he's already 6 months old and is close to 10 pounds now. He's still as mischievious as ever but I have to admit that I really love this little guy. He's just a real character!

Will blog again soon, I promise! .... Tinsel